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April’s Guys: The Month’s Musical Roundup…

Alistair Braidwood

For many reasons this has been a busy week so I’ll keep this brief and just give you the best music I heard during April. March was so impressive that it was always be going to be difficult to follow, but April gives it a good go, with appearances from The Son(s), Letters, This Silent Forest, and the brilliantly named Kitty the Lion.

First off is a new project from a musical hero. Teenage Fanclub can do no wrong in my eyes, so it’s no surprise that the album of the month is Electric Cables from Fannie’s bassist Gerard Love’s new project Lightships! (exclamation mark bands own, although well deserved). There’s no real surprises here, and that’s how it should be. There are some things in life you should be able to rely on and members of Teenage Fanclub making gorgeous music is be one of them. From the album this is Sweetness in Her Spark:

Next is my favourite video of the month. See if you can guess why. It’s another slice of the sort of evocative melancholia that we’ve come to expect from This Silent Forest. This is called Milk:

Now for something which appeared in my inbox early in the morning and sent me on my way with an extra spring in my step. One of the best albums of last year was The Son(s) debut album of the same name, which I wrote about here. They have a new EP released on the 7th May called Leviathan, the cover of which you can see at the top of the page. It’s a great listen and is more upbeat in places than you may have come to expect, but it remains in the tradition of classic pop music that they do so well. The Son(s) know that of which they play. If you fancy a copy you can buy it here, or if you want more info about the band you can contact record company magnate But before you do any of that have a listen. From Leviathan this if If I Hear You Talk Apostrophes Again…:

Now for some dark cello pop from Edinburgh’s Letters. I haven’t heard lots of their music, but I’m very impressed by that which I have. There is a melodic, gothic, cinematic quality that hints at depth and breadth.This is the sort of music that very good quality headphones are made for. This is Older Motion Pictures: LETTERS – Older Motion Pictures by

Finally for this month is something a bit more upbeat than the other things on offer so far. It is simply a brilliant piece of pop. As much as I love my strang and durm I also love to be lifted back up. The song is Duck! byKitty the Lion and the more I listen to it the further I fall in love. It’s launched as a single at The Old Hairdressers in Glasgow on the 16th of May, and is as close a guarantee to brightening up your day as I can offer. You can listen to it by clicking here.

So that was the best of April, and listening to the songs again as I write this I realise that there was really some lovely stuff. I hope you agree…


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