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Two’s Company: The Best Music From February…

Alistair Braidwood

February was a case of ‘so much music, so little time to write about it’. I could have easily doubled the size of this post with good music from last month, but I have to be selective and this is not only the best of February, but some of these songs are the best I have heard in some time. (Do I say that every month? Probably, my memory doesn’t stretch that far).

One of the nicest things about this month’s selection is that almost all the music comes from correspondance sent to Scots Whay Hae! and it may be new-ish to you, proving once again what an amazing time we are living in for great music; you just have to know where to look. Or you just have to be lucky enough that people will send it to you.

First off is Jack James whose Is that the rain on album is one of those ‘pay what you feel is appropriate’ jobs. Have a listen and if you feel as strongly as I do then you should follow your heart and pay accordingly. This is a collection of 13 songs which are just superb. We sometimes like to have our favourite musicians on our podcasts and I make this public plea to Jack; that we will fill you with coffee (before) and alcohol (after) if you fancy coming on for a play and a chat. This is ‘Bonnie Prince Billy’ good, and I cannae praise much higher than that:

Next is the magnificent Squawk by the enigmatic The Ramisco Maki Maki Rocking Horse.

This is a joyous sound to me by a true one off. Hold the Horse close to your collective bosom, because you may not know it yet, but you’ll miss him when he’s gone. This is Squawk and I believe that you should buy a copy as every home should have one. ‘Mon the Horse:

And now we have not only one of my favourite songs of last month, but I can almost guarantee it will still be being played at the end of the year. And you can pull me up on that. The best thing to leave Largs since Jimmy Johnstone fancied a wee row, this is Brown Bear and the Bandits with Olive Tree; it’s a cracking pop song, and this is a cracking video as well:

Next we have a lovely 5-track album from Oak Hero, and if the term ‘indie-folk’ ever applied to anyone then it’s them. And that’s a good thing in case you are wondering. Imagine you’re favourite indie guitarist playing something pastoral and gorgeous and you’ll get the idea. Here’s Oak Tree by Oak Tree:

And now for some more great pop music, and another song that’s going to be vying for a place on the end of year best ofs. Wesley Shearer never gives me a bum steer about a band, and Campfires in Winter are no different. This is White Lights and it is mighty fine:

And while we talk about… Pop Music, I always like to be pleasantly surprised, and the most pleasing surprise last month came from Pronto Mama with Rubber, a song which pushes all of my buttons at once. It’s a little like lo-fi Scottish Acid Jazz for those who can imagine such a thing, and for those who can’t, well take a listen:

I’m going to finish this month’s roundup with two of my favourites bands of the moment, who have two great videos for two great songs. First off is Your Eyes from Loch Lomond, who have their album Dresses out now on Chemikal Underground and which will definitely improve your lives. You’ll like this:

And I’ll finish with the new single from The Deadline Shakes, the next great things from Flowers In The Dustbin, who continue to show they know a good thing when they find it. This is Boy and they have the potential to be everyone’s favourite new band, a little Arab Strap and a little Phantom Band. Hear for yourself:


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