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The Art Of Deception: The Scots Whay Hae! Podcast Talks Ten Writers Telling Lies…

Alistair Braidwood

In the latest podcast Ali talks to Jim and Pat Byrne and Samina Chaudry about Ten Writers Telling Lies,  a music and literary project which has various writers and poets work collected together, as well as having them collaborate with Jim on accompanying songs.

On the podcast you’ll not only hear all about the project, its beginnings and how it has grown, but there are also a couple of examples of Jim’s songs, as well as Samina reading her short story, ‘Taxi’. It’s a fascinating undertaking which deserves to be read and heard by as many people as possible.

Other writers involved include Pat herself, Stephanie Brown, James Carson, James Connarty, previous podcast guest Pauline Lynch, Calum Maclean, Gillian Margaret Mayes, Michael Norton and Stephen Watt, and there’s a heartfelt foreword from Louise Welsh and Zoe Strachan. It’s a collection of different voices, styles and narratives which come together to make an even greater whole.

Mention must also be made of artisit Pam McDonald whose work gives the book such a strong visual identity, which you can sees for yourself in the YouTube version below. This is a project which caught our imagination as soon as we heard about it, and I hope that after listening to the podcast you’ll be equally intrigued.

If you aren’t yet a subscriber to the SWH! podcast you can do so, (or simply listen) at iTunes or by RSS. You can also download it by clicking on the relevant link to the right of this post, or, if you want it right here, right now, you can listen on…

..or on YouTube:

Here’s one of the featured songs, a collaboration between Jim and Samina called ‘Oh, My Beautiful You’. It’s at the end of the podcast, but you can hear it in all its glory below:

The official launch of Ten Writers Telling Lies is on Thursday night at Cottiers’ Theatre in Glasgow, and although the stories and songs work beautifully in book/cd format, what a treat to be able to hear them in a live setting:


And to give you a further taste of what to expect on the night of the launch, here’s a short trailer:

SWH! will be at Cottiers on the night so if you see us there come and say hello…


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