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Alistair Braidwood

That Was The Year That Was: It’s The Best Of 2016 Podcast – Part One…


Three Men & Some Books

For our end of year podcast, Ali and Ian were once again joined by irregular podcast guest and resident film expert Chris Ward and Scottish music man manager Wesley Shearer. As the coffee flowed so did the chat and in the end we ran well over the two hour mark, so we’ve decided to split the podcast into two parts.

This is Part I, where we concentrate on the films and books of 2016, and give you recommendations about the best of both. We also talk about the marketing of movies, why films and buffets don’t mix, the career of Isabelle Hupert, the importance of independent publishers, the welcome return of Alasdair Gray, James Kelman at 70 and much, much more.  We also name Booker shortlisted writer Graeme Macrae Burnet as our Man Of The Year. All that in just over an hour.

Part II will concentrate on all things musical, and will be in your inbox by Christmas Eve. Think of it as an early Christmas pressie – perfect for wrapping last-minute gifts to.

If you aren’t yet a subscriber to the SWH! podcast you can do so, (or simply listen) at iTunes or by RSS where there’s a sizeable back catalogue waiting for your listening pleasure.

You can also download it by clicking on the relevant link to the right of this post, or, if you want it right here, right now, you can listen on SoundCloud

..or on YouTube:

We hope you enjoyed that and I’ll see you back here soon for Part II…


Thanks for subscribing!

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