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Talking about Morvern…

Alistair Braidwood

The second of my .Dear Scotland columns can be found @ if you have 10 minutes with nothing to do. As I’ve mentioned previously the premise behind these monthly musings is to form a sort of online Scottish Book Group, one where those interested in Scottish Literature can join in from wherever they may be based around the world.

As you can see from the picture, the first novel under discussion is Alan Warner’s debut Morvern Callar. I have some strong opinions on it, particularly concerning the central character, and I would love to hear yours.

Next month’s book which will be under discussion is Andrew O’Hagan’s 2007 novel Be Near Me, a novel which made my end of the decade best of list (see Top Ten Scottish Novels of the 00’s…) but also tends to divide opinion, especially concerning the representation of sexuality, religion and class. Join us for a literary rammy anytime, you’ll be made very welcome.


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