This year’s Celtic Connections (20th Jan – 6th Feb), like everything else in life these days, will be rather different, but they have still put together a varied, vibrant, and eclectic line-up which, all things considered, deserves huge respect and congratulations.
Once again, this year’s festival feels like a timely celebration of music – one with which we can all join in, with live gigs going ahead once more, and festival passes for the digital programme going on sale from 3pm, Friday 21st January.
Some events, due to recent COVID regulations, have been cancelled or rescheduled, so do check if you already have tickets for, or are planning to attend, any gigs on the original programme. | You can find all the details in the latest Official Festival Update.
However, there is still plenty going on, and, as always, there are too many bands and artists to mention them all here, but go to Celtic Connections to find out who is appearing, when, how to book, and how to watch, and receive all the up-to-date news by following the festival on Twitter, and Facebook.
In case you’re not sure where to begin, we have put together our selection of SWH!’s Ten Highlights from this year’s programme, with videos from one of the acts involved each time. Click on each title to learn more about, and buy tickets for, each one.
*This show is being moved to the Main Auditorium in Glasgow Royal Concert Hall. The start time remains the same.*
Karine Polwart & Dave Milligan and Daoirí Farrell Trio - *RESCHEDULED*
*This show is being rescheduled to Sunday 8th May 2022 Please note: all original tickets will remain valid for Sunday 8th May 2022. Box Office will be in touch in due course if you have purchased tickets*

And that’s only a small example of the great music on offer, so head over to celticconnections.com and discover your own highlights…