In the seventh Scots Whay Hae! podcast Ali talks to Kirsty Neary about her latest novel Abstract/Concrete and editor Sam Best about Octavius, a new online literary magazine for students. There is lots of chat about writing methods (both dos and don’ts), the thorny question of genre fiction, the difficulty in getting published, the merits of The Lion King, and much much more.
Kirsty’s novel (see left) is set in a dystopian Glasgow of 2024, and is spookily prescient about today’s social/political situation. Octavius magazine is awaiting all submissions as long as you are currently a student in a Scottish university, college or school. We hear plenty from writers and critics who are established that it is easy to forget those who are at the beginning of their literary careers, whether writing, publishing or reviewing, and it is refreshing to listen to different points of view about Scottish writing and all things cultural.
You can read all about Kirsty’s writing, and buy her books, by going to For all the information about Octavius (left), including how to submit, then head along to octaviusmagazine. You can listen and subscribe to the podcast on itunes at Scots Whay Hae! podcast at iTunes, or you may prefer RSS; Scots Whay Hae! podcast on RSS
In the next podcast we hope to have an interview with one of Scotland’s best known and regarded writers. I’m not being enigmatic, just wary of letting you down, and a bit of mystery is always a good thing. To find out who it is return to these pages in a couple of weeks time. Until then we hope you enjoy No 7.
Congratulations to Louise Anne Geddes who wins a copy of Alasdair Gray’s Lanark by correctly answering the question posed in the last podcast blog; in Muriel Spark’s The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie Sandy’s surname is indeed Stranger.